Intangible Assets Increase to 84% of the S&P 500's Value in 2015 Report
Intangible Assets continue to be the greatest asset to today’s companies. Ocean Tomo, an Intellectual Property merchant bank, have released their 2015 Intangible Asset Market Value Study which values the S&P 500’s Intangible Assets at 84% of total value. This value represents 4% growth from 2005, 16% from 1995 and a staggering 52% growth from 1985.
These figures highlight the importance of Intangible Assets. To compete in today’s global market, you must be actively developing and leveraging your Intangible Assets.
The S&P 500 represents 75% of the American equity market by capitalization. Intangible Assets such as patents, software, customer lists, trademarks, proprietary procedures, know how, copyrights, organized workforce, training, trade secrets and many more are the driving force behind it.

Intangible Assets are not reserved for top corporations. Every business, whether small, medium or large, public, private or government, seller of goods or services, have Intangible Assets that can be leveraged to maximize its Enterprise Value.
A company does not have to be built around Intellectual Properties to realize Intangible Asset value. Items such as workforce, know how, procedures, contracts, R&D, and Quality Systems are examples of common Intangible Assets. Intangible Assets are imbedded into every business. It’s a matter of where to look and how to manage them.
Proper management of Intangible Assets can result in a substantial return on investment. Whether it’s a going-concern business or a business engaged in mergers and acquisition activities, there are major financial benefits. With 84% of a business’s value consisting of Intangible Assets it would be advantageous to place emphasis into Intangible Assets.
BUSINESS INTANGIBLES™ is a firm working with businesses by placing emphasis on their Intangible Assets. By utilizing our Enterprise Value Accounting System™ we Identify, Capture, Grow and Sustain the Intangible Assets that make up the majority of value within a company.