Intangible Assets Support U.S. Manufacturing
U.S. Manufacturing is on the rise. Between new technologies and the ‘re-shoring’ of jobs, the U.S. is the only industrial nation to...
The Fuzzy, Incomplete, Valuations of Tech Startups
Accurate business valuations have always been difficult. This difficulty has only increased over the past decade with the rise of...

Intangible Assets Increase to 84% of the S&P 500's Value in 2015 Report
Intangible Assets continue to be the greatest asset to today’s companies. Ocean Tomo, an Intellectual Property merchant bank, have...
Sony and Microsoft Hack Hurts Brand Value
With a combined total of over 150 million users, Sony's PlayStation Network and Microsoft's Xbox Live ecosystems of software and servers...
Lending Against Intangible Assets Gaining Acceptance
Companies have obtained capital through asset based lending (ABL) for years, leveraging assets such as plant, property and equipment in...
Global Governments Recognize R&D as a Measurable GDP Asset
One year ago today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) rewrote 86 years of history by recognizing research and development (R&D)...