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Intangible Assets are best described as items that can’t be seen directly.  This is in contrast to Tangible Assets, specifically noted in business accounting as property, plant, and equipment (PPE).  For accounting purposes under GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) Intangible Assets are not incorporated into a company’s financial reporting, specifically its balance sheet with some exceptions as outlined per FASB 141 & 142.  The exceptions primarily fall into purchases and Merger & Acquisition activities.


Current publications state that the overall arm’s length value of companies is comprised of 80% Intangible Assets and 20% tangible assets.  This is an inverse value ratio from 50 years ago, concluding much consideration needs to be placed on Intangible Assets.  The inclusion of Intangible Assets, including intellectual properties, can greatly affect the overall value of a company.  This is even more evident in select industries such as software and technology.  As an example, in software companies, primary efforts are placed on internally developing code, resulting in the majority of assets being derived from Intangible Assets.


At BUSINESS INTANGIBLESâ„¢, we identify and valuate your current Intangible Assets, setting the baseline of your company’s true current value. Then, we introduce new opportunities, identifying enhanced and additional Intangible Assets to grow on.  This results in improvements in organizational performance, financial data, and overall corporate value.





Administrative manual volumes

Advertising campaigns and programs


Airport gates and landing spots
Appraisal plans
Blueprints and drawings

Books and other publications

Bank customers - deposit, loan, etc
Brand names and logos

Broadcast licenses

Buy-sell agreements

Case cart/physician profiles

Chemical formulations

Claims (against insurers,etc)

Community management handbooks

Computer software
Computerized databases
Cooperative agreements


Credit information files

Critical care policies/manuel

Customer lists

Customer contracts

Department policy manuel

Development rights

Design patterns

Diagnositc testing guidlines


Distribution networks
Distribution rights

Drilling rights


Education manuel

Engineering drawings
Environment rights (and exemptions)

Equipment manual

Favorable financing

Favorable leases

FCC licenses related to radio bands

Film libraries

Food flavorings and recipes
Franchise agreements (commercial)

Franchise agreements (governmental)
Going-concern value

Goodwill - institutional

Goodwill - personal

Goodwill - professional

Government contracts

Government programs

Government registrations

Hazadous waste manual

Historical documents

HMO enrollment lists

Hospital formulary

Infection control manual

Insurance expirations

Insurance in force

Job descriptions manual


Joint ventures

Know-how and associated documents

Laboratory notebooks

Landing rights (for airlines)

Leasehold estates

Leasehold interests
Licenses - professional business

Literary works

Litigation awards and damage claims

Loan portfolios

Location value
Management contracts

Manual (vs. automated) database

Marketing and promotional materials

Masks and masters

Medical staff records

Medical charts and records

Mineral rights

Musical compositions
Noncompete covenants

Nondiversion agreements

Nursing policies and procedures

Open to ship customer orders

Operating room course/critical care

Options warrants

Ore deposits

Patent applications

Patents - both product and process
Patient management


Patient education manual


Personality contracts

Personnel policy

Possessory interest

Prescription drug files

Prizes and awards

Procedural manuals

Product design

Production backlogs

Property use rights

Proposals outstanding

Proprietary processes

Proprietary technology

Quality assurance manual

Royalty agreements

Safety manual

Seldom-used forms notebook

Shareholder agreements

Solicitation rights

Subscription lists

Supplier contacts/contracts

Supply catalog

Technical documentation

Technical libraries

Technology sharing agreements

Title plans

Trademark and trade names

Trade secrets

Trained and assembled workforce

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